Effective Retargeting Strategies for PPC Advertising in the Philippines


Retargeting is a powerful strategy in PPC Philippines campaigns. It helps businesses reach people who have already interacted with their website, encouraging them to return and complete actions such as making a purchase or signing up. For businesses in the Philippines, retargeting can increase conversions and maximize the value of your advertising budget. This article explores how retargeting works and provides actionable strategies to boost your PPC campaign performance.

What Is Retargeting in PPC?

Retargeting (also known as remarketing) allows businesses to show targeted ads to people who previously visited their website or engaged with their content. These ads remind users of your products or services, keeping your brand top of mind and encouraging them to take the next step.

Why Retargeting Matters for PPC Campaigns in the Philippines

  1. Increases Conversions
    Most visitors don’t convert the first time they visit a website. Retargeting brings them back, increasing the chances of conversion.
  2. Maximizes Ad Spend Efficiency
    Retargeting focuses on users who have already shown interest, making your advertising budget more effective.
  3. Builds Brand Awareness
    Seeing your ads repeatedly helps customers remember your brand, even if they don’t convert immediately.
  4. Targets the Right Audience
    Retargeting ensures your ads are shown to users who are already familiar with your business, improving the chances of success.

Effective Retargeting Strategies for PPC Campaigns

1. Segment Your Audience for Personalized Ads

Not all website visitors are the same. Some may have abandoned their cart, while others might have browsed your blog. Segmenting your audience allows you to create personalized ads for each group.


  • Show a “Come Back and Save” ad to users who abandoned their cart.
  • Display ads with relevant product recommendations to those who browsed your catalog.

2. Use Dynamic Retargeting Ads

Dynamic retargeting shows ads featuring specific products or services that users viewed on your website. This personalized approach increases the chances of conversion.

Example: A user who viewed a smartphone on your e-commerce site will see an ad featuring that exact product when browsing other websites.

3. Create Time-Limited Offers

Adding a sense of urgency to retargeting ads encourages users to act quickly. Time-limited discounts or offers motivate them to return and make a purchase.

Tip: Use phrases like “Limited Time Offer” or “Only a Few Items Left” in your ad copy.

4. Optimize Frequency Capping

Seeing the same ad too often can annoy users. Use frequency capping to limit the number of times a user sees your retargeting ads, keeping them engaged without feeling overwhelmed.

Best Practice: Set a frequency cap of 3–5 impressions per user per day.

5. Retarget Users Across Multiple Platforms

Reach your audience wherever they spend their time online by running retargeting ads on multiple platforms, including Google, Facebook, and Instagram.

Example: A user who viewed your product on your website might see your retargeting ad later on Facebook or while browsing Google.

6. Exclude Converters from Retargeting Campaigns

Avoid wasting ad spend by excluding users who have already converted (e.g., made a purchase). Instead, target them with cross-sell or upsell campaigns if needed.

Example: If a user bought a laptop, retarget them with ads promoting accessories like laptop bags or wireless mice.

How to Measure the Success of Retargeting Campaigns

  1. Conversion Rate
    Track how many retargeted users complete the desired action (e.g., purchase, signup).
  2. Click-Through Rate (CTR)
    Measure how often users click your retargeting ads, indicating how engaging your ad copy and design are.
  3. Cost per Acquisition (CPA)
    Keep an eye on how much you spend on retargeting ads to acquire each new customer.
  4. Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)
    Calculate how much revenue your retargeting campaign generates compared to the amount spent on ads.

Real-World Example: Retargeting Success for a Local Clothing Store

Scenario: A small clothing store in Manila wanted to recover abandoned carts and increase online sales.

  • Solution: The store ran dynamic retargeting ads on Facebook, showing users the exact items they left in their carts with a 10% discount offer.
  • Result:
    • Cart abandonment recovery increased by 25%.
    • Sales increased by 20% within three months.

Lesson Learned: Personalized dynamic ads combined with a limited-time offer can effectively bring back potential customers.

How a Web Designer Philippines Can Support Retargeting Campaigns

  1. Optimize Landing Pages
    A web designer ensures your landing pages load quickly and provide a smooth user experience, helping retargeted users convert more easily.
  2. Set Up Tracking Codes Properly
    Web designers help install and test tracking pixels, ensuring your retargeting campaigns work seamlessly.
  3. Improve Mobile Experience
    Since many users browse on smartphones, a Web Designer Philippines ensures that landing pages and ads are optimized for mobile devices.
  4. Design Engaging Ad Creatives
    A designer can create eye-catching banners and visuals for retargeting campaigns, increasing click-through rates.


Retargeting is a crucial strategy for PPC Philippines campaigns, helping businesses reconnect with potential customers and maximize their ad budget. By segmenting audiences, using dynamic ads, and running campaigns across multiple platforms, businesses can increase conversions and boost sales.

Collaborating with a skilled Web Designer Philippines ensures that your website and landing pages are optimized to support retargeting efforts. With the right strategies in place, your PPC campaigns will deliver better results, helping your business grow and thrive in the competitive Philippine market.